Stormont: MLAs to debate hunting ban in Northern Ireland

Author: Nigel GouldPublished 6th Dec 2021
Last updated 6th Dec 2021

Politicians are taking part in a debate today (Monday) over whether to ban hunting with dogs in Northern Ireland.

Currently, the province is the only part of the UK where this is allowed.

But a private members bill brought by Alliance MLA John Blair aims to change this.

Hunting with dogs has been banned in England, Scotland, and Wales since the early 2000s.

The bill will be open for debate on the floor of the Assembly on Monday after gaining significant support during a public consultation with nearly 80% of the 18,000 respondents in favour of a ban.

It is understood to be the largest consultation response in Stormont's history.

The bill has been backed by the Northern Ireland animal welfare charity, the USPCA.

Mr Blair said: "Northern Ireland is the only part of the United Kingdom without a ban on hunting with dogs, despite widespread public support to ban the practice.

"It is my intention in bringing forward my Private Member's Bill, to reform legislation on hunting wild mammals with dogs in Northern Ireland, and bring our legislation in line with that in England, Scotland and Wales where the practice has been illegal for close to 20 years."

Chief executive Brendan Mullan said the charity has been "greatly encouraged" by the momentum around this bill.

"There is a real opportunity here for the Assembly to put on record their commitment to enhancing animal welfare standards, and specifically on this occasion, introducing legislation which has been in place in other regions for nearly 20 years."

Meanwhile, Gary McCartney, Director of Countryside Alliance Ireland said they were continuing to "urge MLAs to oppose this bill", he said

“We have been clear: this is bill very clumsily cobbled together with absolutely no regard or thought for its wider implications," he added

Mr McCartney said the bill "would not only potentially criminalise every dog owner in Northern Ireland but also represent an attack on the rural way of life."

"Anyone whose dog chases a rabbit or squirrel for example whilst they are simply out for a walk in the park, partaking in country pursuits, checking their livestock or engaged in any other activity will be committing a criminal offence," he added.

And speaking ahead of the debate, Stormont Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots indicated he would not be supporting the bill.

Mr Poots contended foxes are a threat to some ground-nesting birds such as red grouse and hen harriers.

"If we're serious about biodiversity, then we need to have management tools and we need to be very cautious about removing management tools," he told BBC Radio Ulster.

"I'm not sure it is a particularly well written bill so I can't support it on that basis. Personally I don't hunt, I don't particularly like hunting but I can't support this particular bill because I think that it isn't well thought through. It might be well meaning but not well thought through and has damaging consequences if it came into force."