Secretary of State to give statement on dealing with Troubles legacy cases

Author: Downtown/CoolFM Staff ReporterPublished 13th Jul 2021

The UK Government's expected to set out its latest plan for dealing with Troubles legacy cases tomorrow.

The NI Secretary of State Brandon Lewis is scheduled to make a statement in Parliament.

The plan is reported to involve a ban on Troubles prosecutions which would apply to former soldiers and even ex-paramilitaries.

That's not gone down well with victims groups, or political leaders here and in the Republic.

However, Government sources have rejected claims it would effectively amount to an amnesty.

Earlier this month The Wave Trauma centre which represents Troubles victims wrote an open letter to the Prime Minister saying “If anyone in Downing Street or the Ministry of Defence or the Northern Ireland Office seriously thinks that an amnesty of this nature can form the foundation upon which reconciliation could be built then it shows how little they understand the nature of the pain and trauma which continues to be suffered by victims and survivors and their families.”