RHI Inquiry oral hearings begin

The Renewable Heat Incentive Inquiry is set to get underway in full on Tuesday.

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Published 7th Nov 2017

It's nearly a year since the green energy scandal hit the headlines and ultimately caused the collapse of the executive.

The inquiry led by Sir Patrick Coghlin began its work in February of this year. Since then it has been gathering evidence, and the figures are quite staggering.

Over a million pages of documents have been amassed and more than 500 notices have been served compelling the production of documents and witness statements.

At the start of today's proceedings Sir Patrick will make a brief opening address before handing over to Chief Counsel for the inquiry, David Schofield.

His opening statement is expected to last most of the week and will cover various themes which have emerged in the evidence gathering process.

Legal representatives from the Departments of Economy and Finance along with those from OFGEM will then be invited to make short opening remarks.

The first witness is due to give evidence in three weeks time.

DUP leader Arlene Foster's role in the scheme was at the heart of the row which caused power-sharing at Stormont to collapse and she is expected to give evidence in the new year.

Sinn Fein has repeatedly indicated its unwillingness to return to devolved coalition government at Stormont with Mrs Foster as first minister until her actions surrounding the RHI are examined by the inquiry.

The state-funded RHI was established to incentivise businesses to shift to renewable energy sources by offering a proportion of the costs to run eco-friendly boilers.

But in Northern Ireland the subsidy tariffs were set too high and without a cap, so it ended up paying out significantly more than the price of fuel.

This effectively enabled some applicants to burn to earn'' - getting free heat and making a profit as they did so.

Mrs Foster had a central role in establishing the scheme during her time as Stormont economy minister. She has insisted she acted correctly throughout.

While the inquiry will broadly examine the RHI scheme on a chronological basis, it will also work up the line of responsibility, with junior ranking civil servants called to give evidence first and permanent secretaries and ministers due at the end of the hearings