PSNI condemn 'reckless' L'Derry bomb attack

A viable pipe bomb and a petrol bomb have been thrown at a house in Londonderry in what's being described as a loyalist paramilitary attack.

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Published 22nd Aug 2017
Last updated 22nd Aug 2017

A brick was hurled through the window of the property on Heron Way last night. It was then followed by the other two devices.

A man who was inside at the time was not injured.

25 other homes in the Waterside area had to evacuated in the resulting security alert.

Superintendent Gordon McCalmont said: “This was a bomb left in the heart of the local community - a reckless act at the hands of what we believe to be a loyalist paramilitary gang.

“This was a concerning attack that took the form of a brick hurled through a window, followed by a petrol bomb and then a pipe bomb. Thankfully, the pipe bomb didn’t explode, or we could have been looking at something very different today.

“Our investigation is at an early stage and we will be investigating a number of lines of enquiry, including the fact this may well have been a sectarian attack.

“This was an act carried out in a residential area by criminals who have absolutely no regard for other people’s safety.

“These people have nothing to offer society and no place in a democratic society. They falsely believe their agenda and their after-dark activities are welcome and wanted in a city where the majority of citizens simply want to live in peace. The community does not want to be woken from its beds and told a pipe bomb had been found near their home, a place where they are supposed to feel safe.

“Today, I will be meeting with colleagues and our partners, and conducting a review of our operational and investigative activities to counter the threat posed by this very small minority of people who were responsible for this.

“I am appealing for the community's support in identifying the perpetrators and bringing them to justice and I also want to thank the community for their patience and their understanding while we investigate this attack.”

A number of homes in the area had to be evacuated, with some families moved to a local community centre.

It comes just days after a gun attack on another house in the Waterside area.

SDLP Derry Councillor Martin Reilly has condemned those behind the latest incident:

“This was a despicable attack that could have had devastating consequences in this built up area.

“It’s through luck rather than design that we aren’t dealing with a tragedy this morning.

“Police currently believe this to be the work of a loyalist paramilitary grouping. Those behind this depraved attack have no place in our city. Their violence has been rejected by people here in the past and it will continue to be rejected today.

“Late at night people were left having to find alternative arrangements and thanks must go to those in Lincoln Courts Community Centre which opened up for them overnight.

“I’ve been speaking to residents and police at the scene and they all hope to have people back in their homes as soon as possible when the area can be declared safe.

“I would appeal to anyone with any information to come forward to the police as soon as possible."

Foyle DUP MLA Gary Middleton has also condemned those responsible.

He said, "This activity is reckless and senseless. Paramilitary activity has no place in our society today and those who still continue to cling to criminality and violence are to be unequivocally condemned for their actions.

"It is concerning that in our city last night both a petrol bomb and pipe bomb was hurled at a house in the Waterside. Thankfully the pipe did not go off or today we could be dealing with the loss of life. Those responsible intended to cause harm and intimidate. It is truly sickening that some people believe this is acceptable behaviour.

"Our communities have suffered too much in the past to have this type of activity present in our towns in 2017. I totally utterly condemn those responsible, they clearly place no worth on the safety of our community. They are not representative of the vast majority of Northern Ireland, who want to move forward and live in peace.

"I want to pay tribute to the community for their patience last night as the PSNI worked to deal with the incident. I would urge anyone with any information on this disgraceful attack to bring that forward to the PSNI immediately."

Anyone with information is asked to contact detectives at Strand Road Criminal Investigation Branch on 101, quoting reference 1488 of 21/08/17. Alternatively, information can also be passed anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111