Proposals to introduce specific offence for stalking in NI

Consultation will seek views of victims

The funding to try and stop potential abusers before they abuse
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 30th Nov 2018

The Department of Justice today (Friday) launched a public consultation seeking views on measures to address stalking in Northern Ireland.

The ‘Stalking - A Serious Concern’ consultation focuses on the impact of stalking on victims and the wider community and asks whether the introduction of a specific offence of stalking in Northern Ireland could offer victims better protection.

Both victims and the general public are being invited to contribute to the proposals.

The Department’s Permanent Secretary, Peter May, said: “Stalking can have a devastating effect on victims. The impact of stalking can be life-changing and can lead to loss of life. To disrupt such behaviour and to shield its victims we must ensure that the law provides the best possible protection for those affected.

“We are seeking views from the public and from organisations and groups with an interest in preventing stalking. We would particularly like to hear from individuals who have been directly affected by stalking, and to hear about experiences in seeking help and support from the criminal justice system.”

The consultation paper was developed in collaboration with victims’ groups and partner organisations who formed a ‘Stalking Reference Group’.

The Group worked with the Department to identify best practice models to address the wider issues associated with stalking and to ensure that the criminal justice system is as effective as possible in tackling stalking behaviour.

The Department also liaised with its counterparts in England and Wales, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland to build a picture of the differing policy and legislation approaches being used to tackle stalking.

Geraldine Hanna, Victim Support NI chief executive welcomed the consultation.

She added: “Stalking is equal amongst men and women – individuals can be equally at risk of this.

“We would like to see the legislation changed to introduce laws that will help increase the protections afforded to this type of crime.”

Meanwhile, in a recent review, Queen’s University’s Belfast School of Law, said there was a need for a “new approach” on stalking.

It said: “Stalking is undoubtedly being perpetrated within Northern Ireland, but as it falls under the umbrella legislation of harassment, it is difficult to assess how many of the offences committed under the 1997 Order related specifically to stalking.

“However, statistics demonstrate a concerning increase in the number of harassment offences that have been reported. These rose from 234 recorded offences in the 1998/1999 period to around 1,600 offences per year in the period from 2009 to 2013.

“There was a further increase from 1,608 to 2,651 offences from 2013 to 2014, and to 3,059 from 2014 to 2015.”

The Department plans to hold public engagement events in January with the consultation closing on February 21.