£175million boost for NI health service

The money will go towards PPE stocks.

Student EMT Ruth Corscadden wearing full PPE poses during her shift for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service covering the Northern Trust's Hospitals.
Author: Sarah MckinleyPublished 10th Feb 2021

Millions of pounds worth of PPE can be purchased, as previously unallocated Executive money is now earmarked for this cause.

The Department of Health had previously returned £90m of Covid-19 funding as the budgeting rules had prevented it from being spent on PPE at that time.

Now, the Treasury has also given the go-ahead for a special departure from normal budgeting rules because of the Covid-19 emergency, allowing more PPE stocks to be bought.

Health Minister Robin Swann said releasing the money is definitely a ‘”welcome move” during “exceptional times.

“The changes made by the Treasury will allow my Department to spend £175m in this financial year on PPE supplies that can be used in the 2021/22 financial year.”

The Minister continued: “PPE is essential for protecting our staff and patients and this year more than ever it is vital that we continue to build on our stocks.

“The move by Treasury will allow my Department to spend the money in the 2020/21 financial year to boost supplies for later use. This will be significant in dealing with the cost consequences of the pandemic."

He also said this year’s health budget was boosted significantly by special emergency Covid allocations.

“These allocations were hugely welcome and important. But non-recurrent – one-off – allocations do not provide a basis for addressing the major structural problems afflicting health and social care – especially staffing and waiting times. We need a sustainable long-term fix for these issues and that cannot be achieved with here today, gone next year monies.

"I welcome the Finance Minister seeking further flexibility to carry forward funds into next year recognising the health pressures we face and his commitment to multi-year budgets. I call on Treasury to grant this flexibility and going forward to provide a multi-year Spending Review.”