Police probe criminal damage at offices of DUP candidate Sammy Wilson

The damage was caused to the offices of the DUP's Sammy Wilson
Author: Chris BrennanPublished 26th Jun 2024

Police are investigating damage caused to the offices of DUP parliamentary candidate Sammy Wilson.

Windows and doors of the property were damaged in the overnight incident in the Lancasterian Street area of Carrickfergus, Co Antrim.

Mr Wilson is standing in the East Antrim constituency in the General Election.

PSNI district commander, Superintendent Ian McCormick said: "Police received a report shortly after 9.30am today, Wednesday June 26, that damage had been caused to the windows and doors of the premises at some time overnight.

"Officers remain at the scene as part of our investigation to establish the circumstances around this incident."

He said officers were keen to speak to anyone who was in the area overnight and who saw anything suspicious or who may have CCTV, dashcam or other video footage.

"People standing as candidates in our elections or involved in canvassing are a key part of our democratic process and it is unacceptable when they become the subject of abuse," the senior officer added.

"The police service is committed to ensuring all candidates in the upcoming election can campaign free from harassment and intimidation.

"Any abuse, harassment or criminality directed at candidates or their teams is totally unacceptable and will be thoroughly investigated."

DUP leader Gavin Robinson condemned the incident, saying: "I know Sammy Wilson will not be deterred by this cowardly attack and an attack on his office is an attack on all of us.

"It is an attack which, if designed to intimidate, will fail and all democrats and supporters of law and order will stand with Sammy and the staff members who work to offer a vital service to the public.

"I know that such violence and thuggish behaviour is not carried out in the name of the people of Carrick. It is a full-frontal assault on the democratic process.

"Threats and violence from wherever they come did not deter or sway us in the past and it will not do so now.

"I encourage anyone with information to come forward to the PSNI."

SDLP leader Colum Eastwood expressed solidarity with Mr Wilson as he referenced the incident while launching his party's manifesto on Wednesday.

"Anybody who puts themselves forward for election and takes part in the democratic process, and anybody like that who's attacked, that's an attack on every single one of us, regardless of your politics," he said.

"You don't get to do that to people who are putting themselves forward and taking the brave step of putting themselves forward in front of the electorate. So our thoughts are with Sammy Wilson today."