Perfect date night ideas for Belfast and Northern Ireland

Known as the birthplace of the RMS Titanic, and for its political murals, Belfast, Northern Ireland’s capital really does have so much happening meaning that when it comes to planning your date or a day out with the family, you really will be spoilt for choice.

Published 4th May 2016

Known as the birthplace of the RMS Titanic, and for its political murals, Belfast, Northern Ireland’s capital really does have so much happening meaning that when it comes to planning your date or a day out with the family, you really will be spoilt for choice.

Here are our favourites…----------------------------

Titanic Belfast-------------------

This glittering building cost £97 million to build and - designed by Chicago architect Eric Kuhne – was made to emulate both the bows of Titanic. Of course, locals could only think of one name, christening it ‘The Iceberg’.

Opened in April 2012, The Iceberg is the world’s biggest Titanic museum, with 10 galleries over six floors. The displays start with an inspired look at how Victorian Belfast was an industrial powerhouse of shipyards, linen mills and rope works, then move on to Titanic’s conception, construction, launch and it’s tragic first and last voyage, moving on to its rediscovery at the bottom of the Atlantic.

Impress your date with this fact: there are 187 Titanic museums around the world.

Top tip: We recommend booking in advance to avoid the crowds but this is the perfect date venue, providing plenty of conversation – and if you’re stuck for a moment you can pretend you’re studying the display.

Todds Leap Activity Centre------------------------------

Love the outdoors? Visit the biggest outdoor activity centre and be spoilt for choice, with off-road driving, a free fall drop zone, rally driving, zorbing and more. They’ll be plenty for you and your date to try – a bit of friendly competition perhaps?

Perhaps your next date could be a re-match? Or the winner gets to choose the venue for next time?

Belfast Pub Tours---------------------

We couldn't talk about Belfast and not include a Belfast Pub Tour. This two-hour ramble around Belfast’s best watering holes, including a few hidden gems that you’d be unlikely to find by yourself if great fun, give you lots of opportunities to get to know each other whilst giving you something to do – meaning no awkward silences.

A narrator will accompany you and provide lots of interesting and funny facts about the beers and locations along the way – then who knows, perhaps you can go back and visit your favourites?

Carrickfergus Castle------------------------

Built by John de Courcy in 1177 as his base it was garrisoned continuously for over seven centuries. In 1928 the British Army handed it over to the new Government of Northern Ireland in for preservation as an ancient monument and it was returned to its original Norman appearance.

Crumlin Road Gaol---------------------

This is a date with a big difference - designed by Charles Lanyon, Crumlin Road Gaol was one of the most advanced prisons of its day when it opened in 1845.

Not for the faint hearted and not your average date you can take a tour inside to see the Governor’s office, the execution cell where 17 men were hanged between 1854 and 1961, the flogging room and the tunnel under Crumlin Road to the courthouse where prisoners were sentenced.

Continue your date into the evening and take the ‘Paranormal Tour’, complete with grisly tales from the spots where spooky behaviour has been reported over the years. If it goes well think what a story you’ll have to tell.

The Royal County Down Golf Club-----------------------------------

We love golf – and not just the crazy kind - with its rolling links The Royal County Down Golf Club is an incredible sight.

The club is one of the most exclusive with memberships by invitation only. However that doesn’t mean you can’t play. For a bargain and a slightly shorter course too choose the club's Annesley Links course.

The Giant’s Causeway------------------------

One of the great natural wonders of the world. Once there you’ll find a shop to buy a memento of your trip and exhibition on the history of the causeway - so there’s plenty to see before sitting down to a coffee in the visitors centre.

If you’ve time, continue along the coastal path past to see the Devil’s Organ Pipes then up and back along the cliff top for a great walk.

Impress your date with this fact: The fairy story goes that these 37,000 basalt columns are the result of a huge subterranean explosion 60 million years ago, but there’s rumour that they’re the remnants of a causeway built by a Scottish giant so he could come over and fight local giant Finn McCool.

Marble Arch Caves Global Geopark------------------------------------

Discovered in 1895 and only opened to the public 90 years later. Take a boat trip with only the noise of the motor and the drips from the stalactites above you to break the silence; you can walk with a guide through an underworld of lakes, rivers, waterfalls and winding passages opening up into lofty caverns.

Top tip: If it’s raining it’s a good idea to give them a call, as tours can be cancelled because of high water levels in the caves.

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge------------------------------

If you or your date is afraid of heights it’s probably one to skip. Suspended almost 100ft above the crashing waves below, the rope bridge was made by salmon fishermen 350 years ago.

Thankfully the gaps between the planks have been repaired and it’s now a lot safer, but getting across still requires a bit of courage. The reward though is a fantastic view of Rathlin Island, Scotland and the Causeway Coast.

Top tip: If it’s windy we recommend giving then a call. Very occasionally the bridge is closed in bad weather.

So now you have the date venue all you need is a date. Find someone special now at Downtown Radio Dating.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------