Patients have their say after investigation into NI doctor's work

"This is somebody you have to trust ... so I suppose it does unnerve you"

Author: Nigel GouldPublished 2nd May 2018

Patients of the doctor at the centre of a neurology probe were today coming to terms with the shock decision to have their cases reviewed.

They are among 2,500 patients who have been recalled followed an investigation into the work of Belfast Trust-based neurologist Dr Michael Watt.

Concerns had been raised by other doctors about Dr Watt’s management of patients, particularly his treatment plans diagnosises.

Those patients recalled were being treated for a wide range of neurological conditions, including epilepsy and MS – with some as young as 14 years old.

Belfast woman, Paula Stevenson, was a patient of Dr Watt’s for 13 years.

She told Downtown & Cool FM: “This is somebody you have to fully trust so I suppose it does un-nerve you and it shakes you to think well maybe things could have been done differently.

“It was very worrying to see somebody that obviously you have known quite well for a number of years and put your trust in being under scrutiny.”

And she said that the neurology service always appeared to be “stretched”.

“I always got the impression that he was maybe insanely busy all the time,” she said.

“They were just all under a lot of pressure in that department.

“Why should somebody be responsible for 2,500 people. To me, it just seems like the neurology department is stretched beyond belief.”

Another patient, Fermanagh man Victor Warrington, said the news shocked him.

“I certainly never would have envisaged any problems with Dr Watt, depends on the future,” he said.

“I know I would certainly be happy enough to remain under him as a consultant.”

If you are a patient and want to share your story please email us at or phone us on 02891 815211