P7 parents urged to apply for post-primary place by tomorrow’s deadline
The online portal closes at 4pm on February 23
Parents of P7 pupils are being urged to apply for a post-primary place before February 23.
The Department of Education said to date 18,548 applications have been submitted which is short of the number of applications that would be expected.
A spokesperson for the Department of Education said: “While a large number of applications have been received, we are still some way short of the 24,000 applications that are anticipated.
“We are asking parents/guardians of P7 pupils to apply through the online portal before it closes at 4pm on Wednesday 23 February.
“If an application is late it cannot be considered until all those received by the deadline have been considered. This means that a child is highly unlikely to be able to access an oversubscribed school and may have a very limited choice available when all punctual applicants have been placed.”
The Education Authority has also written to primary schools to ask for their help in reaching those parents who have not yet applied.
To apply for a post-primary place visit the EA’s website (www.eani.org.uk) and click on the ‘Apply Now’ link on the homepage. Guidance on the process is readily accessible
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