NI Election 2022: 'I will be a first minister for all' Michelle O'Neill

Michelle O'Neill
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 9th May 2022

Sinn Fein vice president Michelle O'Neill said the DUP and British Government must accept and respect the result of the Assembly election.

She said: "For me, it will be a special honour to serve as first minister and I also know this comes with a huge responsibility.

"Today we have met with the British Secretary of State, have spoken with the Taoiseach and will be engaging with other party leaders and my message is clear.

"As democrats, the DUP, but also the British Government, must accept and respect the democratic outcome of this election.

"Brinkmanship will not be tolerated where the north of Ireland becomes collateral damage in a game of chicken with the European Commission.

"Responsibility for finding solutions to the protocol lie with Boris Johnson and the EU.

"But make no mistake, we and our business community here will not be held to ransom."

And she vowed to serve as a "first minister for all" in Northern Ireland.

She said: "I accept this election represents a very significant moment of change. It really is a defining moment for our politics and for all of our people.

"It also presents us with an opportunity, an opportunity to reimagine the relationships in the society on the basis of fairness and equality and the basis of social justice.

"As a first minister for all, I intend to work with those from different political perspectives through partnership and not division.

"I will provide leadership which is inclusive, which celebrates diversity, which guarantees rights and equality for those who have been excluded, discriminated and ignored in the past.

"What we want is for this Assembly, this Executive, to adopt a culture of civility, of mature politics and a focus on our shared priorities."