New Covid restrictions to be introduced to NI from Friday

arlene and michelle
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 14th Oct 2020

A four-week 'circuit breaker' lockdown will come into force in Northern Ireland from Friday.

Schools, pubs and restaurants will also be affected to varying degrees.

In a statement, the First and Deputy First Ministers said: "The numbers have continued to rise, the doubling rate is of grave concern, and hospitalisations are on the increase.

"This is deeply troubling and more steps are now urgently needed."

They said the measures would mean the restriction on meeting indoors, and a limit on the number who can meet in a garden.

There are existing exemptions for child care and maintenance etc which would stay in place. However, as close contact economy is proposed for closure, it would be consistent with that to prohibit the provision of those services (eg hairdressing) in a domestic setting.

The measures to be announced in full are:

• Bubbling to be limited to a maximum of 10 people from 2 households;

• No overnight stays in a private home unless in a bubble; • Work from home unless unable to do so;

• In guidance, we will advise Universities and further education to deliver distance learning to the maximum extent possible with only essential face to face learning where that is a necessary and unavoidable part of the course;

• Closure of the hospitality sector apart from deliveries and take aways for food, with the existing closing time of 11pm remaining. Other take away premises will then be brought in line with hospitality with a closing time of 11pm;

• Retail will stay open. However, there will be urgent engagement with the sector to ensure that retail is doing everything it can to help suppress the virus;

• Closure of close contact services apart from those meeting essential health needs which will be defined in the Regulations to ensure continuation of essential health interventions and therapeutics. This will not include complimentary treatments;

• No indoor sport of any kind or organised contact sport involving household mixing other than at elite level;

• No mass events involving more than 15 people (except for allowed outdoor sporting events where the relevant number for that will continue to apply);

• Gyms may remain open but for individual training only with local enforcement in place;

• Places of worship to remain open with a mandatory requirement to wear face coverings when entering and exiting. This will not apply to parties to a marriage or civil partnership;

• Wedding ceremonies and civil partnerships to be limited to 25 people with no receptions. This will be implemented on Monday 19 October. Venues providing the post-ceremony or partnership celebration may remain open for this purpose this weekend but may not provide other services for people who are not part of the wedding or partnership and this will be limited to 25;

• Funerals and committals to be limited to 25 people with no pre- or post-funeral gatherings; • In guidance, no unnecessary travel will be advised;

• Off licenses and supermarkets will not be permitted to sell alcohol after 8pm;

• We believe the above restrictions should apply for four weeks, and the continuation or amendment of any element would require Executive approval;

• In Education, the half term holiday break will be extended from 19th to 30th October with schools reopening on Monday 2nd November.

"The statement continues:

We fully appreciate that this will be difficult and worrying news for a lot of people.

"The Executive has taken this decision because it is necessary, and we discussed the impacts in great detail. We do not take this step lightly. We want these measures to have two impacts. First, on the Covid transmission rates which must be turned down now, or we will be in a very difficult place very soon indeed. Second, we believe it marks a point where everyone, each and every one of us, can take stock and go back to the social distancing messaging. That is vitally important. We will of course be engaging with sectors and working on supports as a matter of priority. We are asking all children and young people, and their parents to help us in a very particular way during the next few weeks. Please make sure that children and young people follow the social distancing arrangements during this time, limit socialising as much as possible, and use the time in positive ways. We will need to exit these arrangements most carefully. They will be put in place during Friday of this week and will be there for 4 weeks. Any extension or amendment to them will require a decision by the Executive. We must reach a different place on both the numbers and on getting back to the basics of social distancing and I know everyone will want to work with us on that. Small acts can have large and important contributions to managing Covid 19. Wash your hands, practise social distancing, wear face coverings. Small acts but so vitally important. Thank you."