Neonatal units are understaffed and overstretched, report shows

The findings are part of new research published in the Bliss and Tiny Life Northern Ireland baby report 2018.

Caroline Lee-Davey Chief Exec of Tiny life and mum Melanie Henry
Author: Sasha WyliePublished 1st Mar 2018

The Northern Ireland Baby Report 2018, by the Bliss and TinyLife organisations, was launched at a Stormont event on Wednesday.

The report found over half of neonatal units here don't have enough nurses in post to meet minimum standards for providing safe, high quality care.

This is leading staff to have to make difficult decisions, such as closing cots to new admissions, in an attempt to manage their activity safely when working with too few resources.

Caroline Lee-Davey, Chief Executive of Bliss, said: “Neonatal services in Northern Ireland are facing a number of serious challenges which are severely affecting the care of the 1,800 babies born premature or sick in the country every year. We know that neonatal staff do a fantastic job on limited resources, but our findings show that investment is urgently needed to ensure that every baby born premature or sick can receive the best care.

Caroline Lee-Davey Chief Executive of Tiny life

“The Department of Health must invest in neonatal care so that neonatal units are able to recruit and properly train their staff. Without this investment, neonatal services across Northern Ireland will be facing a crisis in years to come, putting the most vulnerable babies at risk.”

Key findings of the report include -

•Over half of neonatal units do not have enough nurses in post to meet minimum standards for providing safe, high quality care.

•55 per cent of the nursing shortfall can be attributed to inadequate funding for recruitment.

•Five out of seven neonatal units in Northern Ireland have difficulties with at least one aspect of nurse training and development. One issue raised by some units was that there are not enough staff to cover shifts to send nurses on enhanced training courses.

•Five out of seven neonatal units have no dedicated access to a mental health professional, and three neonatal units are unable to provide access to any trained mental health professional at all, including by referral to an external service.

•Four out of seven neonatal units in Northern Ireland do not have enough medical staff in post to meet minimum standards.

•Four out of six units are unable to provide accommodation for all parents of critically ill babies.

•No units in Northern Ireland have a neonatal community outreach service to support families after discharge.

The report, published by charities Bliss and TinyLife, makes the following recommendations:

•Funding must be made available to ensure all neonatal units across Northern Ireland are safe, well organised and properly staffed in order to ensure all babies born premature or sick receive the highest possible standards of care.

•Investment must be made in developing on-site facilities for families so they can be with their baby, including overnight accommodation.

•Urgent investment must be made to ensure every neonatal unit can provide families with access to psychological support.

•The Department of Health, Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency must work together to produce, and commit to meeting, a Northern Ireland Neonatal Specification which includes measurable standards of care to reflect the specific needs of neonatal services in Northern Ireland.

Melanie Henry, whos son Issac was born prematurely, was among those who spoke at the event.

She said " To be quiet frank I think Northern Irelands politicians need to stop talking and start working and start doing good for these who are the most fragile and vulnerable in our society.

"I'd love to see more practical things like facilities for parents to have somewhere to eat or go and sit - there's a complete lack of privacy and that's so hard when emotions are so intense and heightened everyday in that particular place.

" I have to say the nurses staff were wonderful and it's clear they are under huge and increasing pressure and just didn't have the time to sit with us and help us with various issues such as feeding, and evening the emotional support which we so desperately needed."

Alison McNulty, Chief Executive of TinyLife, said: “As the premature baby charity for Northern Ireland which works directly with medical staff to support families of premature babies, we appreciate the difficult and challenging circumstances that staff find themselves in whilst working to maintain the best safety standards and quality of care.

Alison McNulty, Caroline Lee-Davey and member of TinyLife, along with DUPs Carla Lockhart

"However, we also appreciate that this is a stressful and worrying time for families and the additional pressures that they face can have long term implications for the family. Investment is essential into a Care Pathway, from hospital to home that ensures the best outcomes for all premature babies born in Northern Ireland”