Ministers here senior civil servants are 'interfering' with NI politics

Senior civil servants are "interfering" with Northern Ireland's politics by withholding energy support payments, ministers have heard.

In the Commons, DUP MP Sammy Wilson (East Antrim) said: "Ministers have worked with the economy minister in Northern Ireland, they have made commitments that payments will be made before Christmas, but it seems that some senior civil savants are seeking to use non-payment as a lever to get the Assembly back into operation again.

"Can the minister confirm that first of all the money is available for the package? That secondly energy companies are ready to deliver it? And thirdly the Government will keep its commitment to ensure that payments are made before Christmas?

"And would he investigate whether civil servants are interfering in the political process in Northern Ireland?

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt responded: "Can I assure him that we are absolutely determined to make sure that support gets out to everyone in the United Kingdom this Christmas as quickly as possible and I am absolutely not aware of any delay in the way that he suggests, but I will happily make inquiries to make sure that is not the case."