A-level results day for thousands of NI students

It's a day of high excitement for many, but those who haven't got the grades they want are being told not to panic.

Press Association
Published 17th Aug 2017

"There are options out there for everyone and I can't emphasise that enough!"

That's the main piece of advice from Christina Kelly from the Careers Service at the Department for the Economoy.

She says for those wondering what to do next, whether it's staying in education or choosing a different path, careers advisors have the guidance they're looking for:

"The advice that we give you is very individualised, it's tailored specifically for you.

"It's not general advice, it's completely based on you, your circumstances, your aspirations, your ambitions, your ability, what motivates you, your learning style - we will cover all of those aspects with you."

And Charlie Crebin from UCAS has urged young people using the clearing system to really consider what they want before committing to an option:

"What we don't want is people rushing to add a clearing choice and then find something else they want to go to.

"Because if that is the case, they then have to contact the university they have added and ask if they can be released back into clearing.

"That could delay things because it depends on how long it takes the university to do that for them.

"So the clear message is don't rush, speak to whoever you can do to make sure you are making the best decision for yourself.