IFA warns of impact over cuts to Curriculum Sports Programme

Author: Alex KeeryPublished 1st Nov 2018

The Irish Football Association says the loss of the Curriculum Sports Programme will have a severe impact on both schoolchildren and their coaches.

As a result of budget restraints, the Department of Education has cut funding for the programme which had been implemented by the IFA and the GAA over the last decade.

50 coaches were involved in coaching children at more than 400 schools, but now they face redundancy.

IFA Director of Football Development, Michael Boyd, said it's hard to understand the decision.

"This morning I had to sit down with my guys, face-to-face, and tell them that we have to put them under threat of redundancy. It's horrific to have to do that. They're quality people and they're very, very passionate about their jobs," he said.

Like many issues in Northern Ireland affected by budget cuts, there appears to be no long-term solution.

Michael's intention is to keep an open dialogue with the Department of Education, even if the outlook is bleak.

"They'll probably come out with a new strategy in 2020 and we'll have to bid into it, and by that time you've lost that workforce, you've lost 50 of the best people."

"To me, it's nonsensical and short-sighted to stop the programme when we know it works. It's just a terrible decision and it's going to impact horribly across Northern Ireland."