Health and nutrition experts unite to end obesity epidemic sweeping NI

Special forum meets as problems increase across province

childhood obesity
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 13th Jun 2018

Experts have united to tackle a childhood obesity epidemic across Northern Ireland.

One in four children in the province are now overweight or obese.

And the problem seems to be growing with levels among the highest in the UK.

Cliodhna Foley Nolan, Safefood’s Director of Human Health and Nutrition said there was a “real issue both now and into the future”.

She was speaking to Downtown & Cool FM as the organisation met yesterday to take part in an all-Ireland forum to look at ways to counter the concerns.

“The obesity epidemic that we have now is definitely attributable to the environment – our genes haven’t changed in 25 years but the portion sizes which we give our children and what we eat ourselves have increased by 20-25%.

“It would be hard not to be very concerned about this.”

Experts discussed various ways of tackling the problem including the ‘nudge’ theory of behavioural medication which they said could have a positive effect on obesity levels.

A spokesman said: “‘Nudge’ theory uses positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions to influence the decisions of groups and individuals instead of direct enforcement to encourage positive behaviours in relation to health and wellbeing.

“Tactics might include; the placement of calorie counts on menus; reducing the size of tableware, making salad the default side order instead of chips or even designing buildings with fewer lifts.”