Good Friday Agreement: Clinton pays tribute to John Hume and David Trimble

The former US President said both men put "their lives and careers on the line" for peace

Bill Clinton gives a speech in delegates and school children from across the community during the John and Pat Hume Foundation's "Making Hope and History Rhyme" event, Guild Hall, Londonderry,
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 19th Apr 2023

Former US President Bill Clinton has been paying tribute to the late John Hume and David Trimble - the key architects of the Good Friday Agreement.

He said both men "put their lives and careers on the line" for peace.

"I loved and admired them both, but what they stood for is alive in your lives," he said.

Mr Clinton was speaking last night (Tuesday) at the 'Making Hope and History Rhyme' event, staged at the Guildhall in Londonderry.

Organised by the John and Pat Hume Foundation, the event also heard musical performances and addresses by young people.

Tim Wheeler performs one of his songs at the Guildhall and dedicates it to journalist Lyra Mckee

Among the performers was Ash lead singer Tim Wheeler who dedicated a his hit Shining Light to journalist Lyra McKee on the fourth anniversary of her murder.

And U2 frontman Bono appeared in a video paying tribute to agreement architects John Hume and David Trimble, describing the former as a "man who made all our lives bigger", and Lord Trimble as the "politician who was seen as a hardliner" but "when the moment came, made the hard choice for peace".

Mr Clinton told the crowd that the restoration of the Stormont Assembly can "fairly easily be done if we want to", former US president Bill Clinton has said.

Addressing an audience in Londonderry marking the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement, Mr Clinton said an excuse can always be found to say no.

It comes as the Stormont institutions remain effectively collapsed due to a DUP boycott.

Crowds gathered outside the Guildhall in Derry and an invited audience inside the building rose in a standing ovation as Mr Clinton arrived.

Former US President Bill Clinton meets crowds in Derry/Londonderry

Mr Clinton described the "gift of the agreement" as "lifting our lives, our children's lives and our grandchildren's lives".

He said it is important to get Stormont back up and running.

"Based on what I've heard it can fairly easily be done if we want to, but we can always find an excuse to say no," he added.

"If you're having a fight in your home, you can always find an excuse to say no, if you're struggling with any kind of relationship or struggle, you can always find an excuse to say no, getting to yes is humanity's great trial and great goal.

"The people we honour today got to yes."

Mr Clinton said he can remember virtually every encounter with Mr Hume and Lord Trimble, adding that the latter was "so modest" and never got "the credit he deserved".

Earlier in the event two school pupils, James Tourish, who attends St Columb's College, and Ellianna McBride, who attends Foyle College, urged progress.

Mr Tourish said: "We must stand together united and determined to seek and deliver a better future for all on this island... there is more that unites the people of this province than what divides us."

Ms McBride said while peace has created the context for politics and for political institutions to work, "those institutions need to function now".

"The lack of decision-making on pressing issues in healthcare, employment and education is failing our people. We need political stability if Northern Ireland is to become the vibrant, innovative economy and the tolerant liberal society desired by its young people," she said.

Following the event in the Guildhall, Mr Clinton visited a local bar where he met Foyle MP and SDLP leader Colum Eastwood.

He spoke to a number of people in the Guildhall Taphouse and posed for selfies on request.

Emerging outside to be greeted by more crowds of well wishers, Mr Clinton took time to speak to several people before getting into his waiting vehicle to leave.