Domestic violence: Woman targeted with crossbow urging others to reach out

Chelsea Hamilton was subjected to domestic abuse spanning three years

Chelsea Hamilton is speaking out to encourage others to seek help
Published 27th Sep 2024
Last updated 27th Sep 2024

A domestic abuse survivor whose ex partner targeted her with a crossbow is urging women in abusive relationships to seek help.

Chelsea Hamilton is speaking out as the PSNI marks two years since launching its Tackling Violence against Women and Girls Action Plan.

The 32-year-old waived her right to anonymity in order to encourage women in similar situations to ask for support.

Chelsea endured three years of coercive control and physical abuse at the hands of her former partner, who was training to become a professional MMA fighter.

When Chelsea tried to leave, she was shot at with a crossbow that narrowly missed her and physically assaulted for a number of hours, including choking her unconscious.

Her former partner is now in jail but left her traumatised and with multiple injuries.

On 20th October 2023, her ex-partner was convicted of assault, threats to kill and possession of an offensive weapon and sentenced to four and a half years in custody with an extended licence period of three years due to being deemed a dangerous offender.

A five year restraining order was also granted from the date of release.

On 4th September 2024 he also received a further two year sentence for wounding for a previous incident in which he held Chelsea’s leg down and sliced it open with a knife, requiring five stitches.

“I developed a stutter when speaking to people and began feeling like I wasn’t even a real person.

"There are so many women out there who I know feel the same and are silenced, living in fear. It’s not right.

“Through the police’s action plan, they want more women to come forward and put their trust in them to put their perpetrator in jail. That’s what they did for me.

“No woman should live their life in constant fear, walking on eggshells and isolated from family and friends. It is no life.

"They make you feel like what they are doing is your fault in some twisted way and that there is a chance you won’t be believed. Well, I was believed and it does get easier.

“For a year after I left him, I had recurring nightmares of his abuse and him choking me, I now am channelling all of that into the sport that he used to abuse me. I am training in mixed martial arts and have been through therapy to rebuild my mental strength.

"I speak out today so others see that the life they are living behind closed doors can end.

“The most dangerous time for a victim is when they try to leave, so please reach out for support and get the help you need to do so safely.”

The PSNI says between 2019 and 2024, 30 women and girls across Northern Ireland were tragically killed by men.

The force says it intends to adopt the new national framework to align the response with terrorism and serious and organised crime.

Jane (not her real name) survived a stalking ordeal and has also spoken out.

The 23-year-old was subjected to stalking by a 50-year-old man who was in her band but had never spoken to her.

He developed a serious obsession and was sentenced to ten months in custody.

On 10th September 2024 the PSNI also successfully secured a Stalking Protection Order, whereby if he made contact with or came near Jane again he would go to jail for the maximum term of five years.

She says: “I was mentally tortured by this man, there was no escape from him. When I blocked him, he found another way to contact me online. I worked in a local shop at the time and he would follow me there and spend ages in the shop, watching me. He was everywhere.

“I don’t think enough people understand how this crime affects victims, knowing someone is that obsessed and fixated on you, a person that could be capable of anything, it’s absolutely terrifying. He would not take no for an answer. He was convinced that I was an “angel sent to him”.

“I lived my life in fear, constantly looking over my shoulder, terrified even just getting a notification on my phone. I still to this day struggle to walk the dog on my own.

“I left my job, changed my car and my whole routine because of that man. I just wanted him to stop.

“Not enough people know enough about stalking to come forward and report, that’s why I am speaking out. This man never physically hurt me but that doesn’t matter, what he was doing IS a crime and the police took is seriously from the start.

“When they searched his house they found binoculars pointing to my house, he was a neighbour of mine too so he was always there, just watching.

“Now with the Stalking Protection Order, I feel like I have regained some power and control back over my own life. If you are going through something similar, don’t wait to report.”