Death toll on NI roads decreases again

2018 saw eight fewer crash fatalities than the previous year.

Press Eye
Author: Naomi HollandPublished 2nd Jan 2019

Road deaths in Northern Ireland have fallen for the fourth year in a row.

Crashes claimed the lives of 55 people in 2018, which is eight fewer than the previous 12 months.

But the PSNI says one death is too many and all of them are preventable.

Assistant Chief Constable Alan Todd said: "Despite the continuing downward trend and overall reduction in the number of people killed on our roads, one death is one too many.

"This reduction gives no consolation to 55 families across Northern Ireland, who are coming to terms with the death of loved ones killed in road traffic collisions during 2018. Many more people are fighting to recover or are learning to cope with life changing injuries.

"There is also a small group of people whose actions on the roads have caused death or serious injury. They not only have to live and cope with this knowledge, they may also be facing prosecution which could ultimately lead to imprisonment.

"Road safety is and will continue to be a key priority for police. It is a priority we all share. The simple reality is that many collisions can be avoided. So slow down; pay greater attention to your surroundings; leave the mobile phone alone; always wear a seatbelt and NEVER ever drink or take drugs and drive."