Cousins jailed for Stephen Carson murder

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 20th Dec 2018

Two cousins have been jailed for murdering a man in Belfast.

28-year-old Stephen Carson was eating a meal at his home in south Belfast with his fiancee and nine-year-old son, when he was killed in February 2016.

Michael Smith, 40, and David Smith, 35, both from west Belfast, were found guilty of the murder in November.

They were each sentenced on Thursday to 20 years in prison.

A third cousin, Francis Smith, 42, also from west Belfast, was found guilty of possessing a shotgun and ammunition in suspicious circumstances, and assisting Michael and David by allowing them to store the murder weapon in his property.

He was sentenced to seven years and six months, of which half is to be served in prison and half on licence.

Detective Chief Inspector Pete McKenna described the murder as "callous and brutal."

"Stephen Carson was at home enjoying a meal with his fiancee and nine-year-old son when three men burst in carrying a hammer and a shotgun,'' he said.

"These thugs confronted the young child and Stephen's fiancee, who they sprayed with a pepper-type spray.

"Stephen was in the kitchen and ran to the bathroom to phone the police.

"At this point one of these males, who I believe to be Michael Smith, fired a fatal shot through the door, hitting Stephen in the head.

"This was a premeditated murder with the perpetrators leaving no forensic evidence yet these men were still put before the courts as a result of the complex, multi-faceted police investigation carried out by detectives.

"I would also like to pay tribute to Stephen's family for their dignity, courage and unwavering commitment to seeing justice done for their loved one.''

He added: "Stephen's son and fiancee have been left extremely traumatised by the incident and their lives will never be the same again.

"Whilst no sentence can ever take away the pain for Stephen's family, I hope they get some comfort from knowing that his killers are behind bars.

"The community is now a safer place with these men removed from our streets."