CIRCUIT-BREAKER: D-day for Executive

Author: Nigel GouldPublished 12th Nov 2020

The Stormont Executive is meeting again this morning (Thursday) in a last-ditch bid to break the stalemate over a consensus on covid restrictions.

Talks are now into their fourth day after no resolution was found in previous meetings.

Time is running out for Ministers with legislation for the current circuit-breaker lockdown running out at midnight.

Without an agreement on a new way forward, that would mean hairdressers, beauty salons, pubs and restaurants re-opening tomorrow.

Before last night’s session broke up, First Minister Arlene Foster told Downtown Radio & Cool FM that she believed a solution was still possible.

"There are no easy choices and every Minister at the Executive table knows this," she said.

"We are acutely aware that every course of action has consequences and impacts on people's lives and livelihoods."

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Meanwhile, Deputy First Minister, Michelle O’Neill said they were relying on the advice of health experts that “more people will die” if decisions are not taken.

“All along I have been clear that we support the public health advice,” she said

“We need to find agreement to we need to save live to protect the health service and we also need to support our workers and their families who are struggling right now.”