Calls for gender to be removed from domestic violence as reports by men grow

Published 11th Jan 2022

The gender association with domestic abuse needs to be removed in Northern Ireland, according to leading charity.

The Men's Advisory Project NI (MAPNI) has spoken with Downtown Radio & Cool FM news to try and break the stereotypical views society has around the crime.

During the course of the pandemic, 5 men in Northern Ireland lost their lives to domestic homicide.

Recent PSNI statistics also show a third of domestic violence reports have a male victim, something MAP NI say is just the tip of the iceberg.

Counsellor Rhonda Lusty said the organisation had been "absolutely flooded with calls" since the pandemic hit.

"The amount of suffering out there is extreme and so worrying for us," she said.

"We're seeing a tidal wave of young men especially, coming to us because of abuse that has led them to believe their lives are not worthwhile."

The charity hopes by speaking out, they can encourage more victims of domestic abuse and violence to come forward and get the help they need.

Rhonda says society has a big part to play in helping remove stigmas attached to the crime.

"we have to get past this idea the domestic abuse is a one note story. We see that domestic abuse happens to everyone within a family and it can be perpetrated by anyone. That is the message we have to get across."

You can click here to access the charities webpage.