BOBBY STOREY FUNERAL: Deputy First Minister says she's "truly sorry" for the hurt caused

But Michelle O'Neill did not say her attendance was wrong

Michelle O'Neill
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 1st Apr 2021
Last updated 1st Apr 2021

Michelle O'Neill issued a "heartfelt and unreserved apology'' today (Thursday) to families who lost loved ones to covid-19 for her actions regarding her attendance at former IRA leader Bobby Storey's funeral.

She was speaking as the Assembly was brought back early from Easter recess to debate a motion of censure against her.

The Deputy First Minister said she was "truly sorry" for the hurt caused.

A majority of MLAs passed the SDLP motion in an oral vote, calling for Sinn Fein to be censured.

However, the outcome of the Stormont Assembly debate is non-binding and will have no practical consequences for Sinn Fein ministers.

While Ms O'Neill has apologised in the past, critics said those apologies fell short and did not include an admission that she was wrong to attend the west Belfast funeral when strict limitations on public gatherings were in place.

In her contribution during the opening stages of Thursday's debate, Ms O'Neill did not say her attendance was wrong.

The deputy First Minister told MLAs it had never been her intention to upset grieving families.

"I wish to again say today, and to put on the public record, that I am truly sorry for the hurt that has been caused to so many families who have lost a loved one,'' she said.

"I am truly sorry that my actions have contributed to the grief or the heartache that has been felt and experienced by many people who've lost a loved one during this pandemic.

"That was never, ever, my intention and for that I offer my heartfelt and unreserved apology to those families that have lost a loved one.''

MLAs returned from recess on Thursday to debate an SDLP motion criticising the actions of Ms O'Neill and Finance Minister Conor Murphy.

They were among 24 Sinn Fein elected representatives who were informed on Tuesday that they would not face action for attending the funeral.

mourners at Bobby Storey's funeral

The funeral saw about 2,000 mourners line the streets at a time when strict Covid-19 regulations were in place, prompting claims that Sinn Fein had flouted rules it was involved in creating.

The Public Prosecution Service (PPS) decision not to take action has been heavily criticised by Sinn Fein's political rivals.

During the debate Stormont Finance Minister Conor Murphy (Sinn Fein) also acknowledged that "hurt has been caused to many families who had to bury their loved ones during this unprecedented health crisis''.

"This was never my intention nor do I believe was the intention of anyone involved in the funeral (of Bobby Storey),'' he told MLAs.

"However. hurt was caused and I apologise for that unreservedly.

"Let me be absolutely clear, the law does not distinguish between one set of people and another, or one funeral and another.

"I accept and co-operated with the police investigation into these events. The PPS has now said it will review the decision it made and I await the outcome of that review.

"I accept fully the outcome of these processes, however let me reiterate here again today, that I do regret the political division that this has caused in the Assembly and to public health messaging that we worked so hard to develop as a collective and agreed response to this terrible pandemic.

"I want to say sorry to the wider community, but more particularly to apologise fully and unreservedly to those families who were hurt in any way by my actions.''

Opening the debate, SDLP Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon said it was time for the party to make an unequivocal apology.

"The arrogance of Sinn Fein and the refusal to acknowledge, explain and give a full apology brings us here today,'' she said.

"The arrogance of Sinn Fein and the refusal to acknowledge, explain and give a full apology brings us here today,'' she said.

"Enough of the word play, no more diluted, craftily worded apologies.

"I ask the leadership of Sinn Fein - let this be the day that without qualification or equivocation you do offer the people of the north a full explanation.''

First Minister Arlene Foster has demanded the resignation of PSNI Chief Constable Simon Byrne after the PPS pointed to police engagement with the funeral planners as one reason why any prosecution would be likely to fail.

The DUP leader has also heavily criticised the director of public prosecutions, Stephen Herron, after he cited the repeatedly changing and inconsistent nature of Stormont's coronavirus regulations as another reason a prosecution would not succeed.

Addressing the Assembly on Thursday, Mrs Foster said: "Sinn Fein calls for equality, respect and integrity but actually demonstrates the opposite.''