5 Reasons Why NI Needs to Fight Plastic Pollution

Discover how you can make a BIG difference with a 'Plastic Promise'

Author: Cool FM Team Sponsored ArticlePublished 20th Oct 2021

The world is about to come together for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) to talk about climate change. The environmental emergency facing planet Earth has three main problems and we need to start tackling them now. Most people will know that climate change is the hot topic for COP26, but climate change’s ‘ugly sisters’ are loss of biodiversity and plastic pollution.

The Live Here Love Here team has some shocking facts below that will convince you to take action on plastic, if you haven’t already…

1. Refuse single-use plastics (SUPs).

Refusing unnecessary plastic is the most effective way to make a huge positive impact. We know it's difficult; as consumers we're presented with so many plastic options on a daily basis. But ask yourself- do you really need another plastic bottle, plastic bag or takeaway cup? These are 3 of the most commonly littered plastic items in NI. Legislation in effect from 01 January 2022 will soon be banning some SUP items but we need to act before then. Quick convenience decisions are costing us the earth. Change your daily habits, plan ahead and refuse SUP where you can. Downtown's Kirstie McMurray shows us how she refuses single-use plastic here.

2. Promote Reusables

Can't live without your takeaway coffee or bottled water? A reusable cup or bottle will save the environment and your wallet. Plastic bottles are a known scourge, with an estimated 100,000+ SUP bottles littering our streets at any one time. But did you know that plastic-lined takeaway cups are a big litter offender in NI too? Our research estimates 30,000+ SUP cups are littering NI streets right at this very moment. Check out Cool FM's Paulo Ross talking about reusables in his daily life here.

3. Support local shops ‘doing good’

Many businesses in NI are beginning to offer packaging free options to bulk buy everything from shampoo to seeds, pasta to pulses. Do an online search for refill stores in your area and then support your local zero waste shop. This is all the more important as NI businesses find their feet again post-Covid retail restrictions.

4. Reconsider your Recycling

Whilst recycling is a step in the right direction, it's not the long-term solution to plastic pollution. Some SUPs can be recycled (like plastic drinks bottles) and some cannot (like plastic film). The only way to know for sure is to check the item. On top of that, different Councils will have different regulations for what can be accepted as recycling. Remember, plastic can only be recycled a finite number of times! This means your plastic waste will end up in landfill eventually. Go one better than recycling and refuse SUP purchases when possible.

5. Motivate Family and Friends

It's not easy doing things by yourself. Talk to people in your life who would be interested in making these positive changes with you. Bring family and friends along with you on your tackling plastic journey. By making a Plastic Promise, you'll also get support from our team to motivate you as you progress.

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Kirstie McMurray

Downtown Radio