Top 10 irritating car passenger habits revealed

Are you guilty?

Two people arguing in a car
Published 28th Jul 2017
Last updated 28th Jul 2017

If you're a driver you'll know full well that some things your passengers do can get a bit irritating. Now the latest research can reveal the top 10 most irritating things a passenger can do, are you guilty of doing these, or are you a long suffering driver?

In response to the research Andy James, UK CEO at 1ST CENTRAL commented, "Everyone has their pet passenger peeves. They can be annoying to the point of distraction which doesn’t equate to safe journeys."

Drivers, before you set off on holiday maybe you should set some ground rules for your passengers, remind them not to take selfies, put their feet up or change the music, after all you should be locked into your favourite radio station Downtown Radio 😉

Passengers take heed, your friend or family member who is driving probably won't want to be distracted by your chatting on the phone or constantly opening or closing the windows!

Here are the top 10 most irritating things a car passenger can do in reverse order:

10. Speaking on the phone

As a driver you must always use hands-free, but of course passengers are free to do what they like, remember, don't irritate your driver by constantly chatting on the phone.

Car passenger on the phone

9. Adjusting the sat nav

If you aren't the driver then you should leave the sat nav well alone, after all it doesn't matter if you think you're going the wrong way, you're not the one driving!

8. Opening and closing the windows

Again something that isn't just annoying, it can be distracting, is opening and closing the windows. Try and keep it to a minimum and defintely don't mess around with the driver's window!

Car window controls

7. Taking selfies or pictures of the driver

No road trip is complete without a selfie or two, but don't go overboard with the poor driver to has to keep their eyes on the road.

6. Changing the music (without asking)

Well to be honest we don't know why you would want to change over from Downtown Radio, but if you do make sure you ask the driver first.

5. Slamming the doors

Not something that happens that often, but annoying all the same. While all car doors need a bit of force to shut them they don't need the car to be rocked with an extra forceful slam!

4. Putting feet on the seats or dashboard

While a car is the perfect place to relax (if you aren't driving of course), don't take it to the extreme by literally putting your feet up, particularly on the dashboard!

Woman with her feet up in a car

3. Vaping

If you know your passenger smokes or vapes give them a chance to do it outside before you set off and remind them when the next stop will be. If you don't you could be regretting it for a while as the smell gets into your car's upholstery.

© Vaping in car

2. Leaving a mess in the car

Sounds silly, but the best way to stop people littering is to offer them a bin! Get yourself a plastic bag, or even a dedicated car bin and say goodbye to a dirty car.

Cleaning car

1. Backseat driving

As a passenger drivers can be a nightmare, constantly commenting or tutting when other people are driving. Whether it's slamming down on an imaginary brake or their comments on your speed, try to take their minds of your driving and have a conversation or play a game.

Back seat driver

Remember the most important thing is not to distract the driver, so drive safely on your hols this summer.