20 signs you're getting old

How many have you experienced?

Close up of mother and daughter
Published 11th May 2017
Last updated 11th May 2017

Are you getting to the age where you're beginning to see a few wrinkles, or groan when you get up? Heaven forbid, could you be experiencing some of the signs of getting old?!

According to a recent survey the average age for people feeling like they are getting old is 40, with a receding hairline and using the phrase 'when I was younger' triggers for this feeling.

A quarter of those surveyed said that noticing wrinkles on their face was a sign of aging, whilst 80% said they have walked into a room and then wondered why they are there!

Happens to the best of us eh?

Mitchell Private Wealth, who commissioned the research also found that those aged 35-44 were more likely to 'feel old' than those over 44, suggesting that your actual age has little bearing on how old you feel.

Here are 20 signs that you're getting old:

1) Noticing wrinkles in your face

2) Realising your eyesight isn't as good as it used to be

3) Realising your hearing isn't as good as it used to be

4) Feeling like you look old

5) Making a groaning noise when sitting down or standing up

6) Finding a grey hair

7) Walking into a room and then forgetting why

8) Finding it difficult to get down to play with young children

9) Using the phrase "When I was younger..."

10) Noticing your hairline receding

Man looking in a mirror

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11) Having to stop playing a sport because you are too slow

12) Forgetting where you parked your car

13) Looking for your glasses without realising you were wearing them

14) Being too tired to have sex

15) Temporarily forgetting a child's name

Young girl with name badge

© iStock

16) You start driving to places you previously walked or cycled to

17) Losing keys

18) Doing the ‘coin from behind a child’s ear’ trick

19) Developing a taste for sherry

20) Wearing socks and sandals at the same time

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