33 local phrases kids today will never understand
Which is your favourite?
As we all get older it can be sobering to think about the ways things have changed since we the ‘good old days.’
Anyone else remember Gameboys, Tamagotchis, and Floppy Disks?
Nowadays kids wouldn’t’ know the difference between a cassette tape or mp3 player.
So, this got us thinking about how many statements that we might have heard from our parents, or uttered ourselves that won’t make sense in 2022, simply because the technology and our culture has moved on.
We asked our listeners on social media for some of their most iconic local phrases and sayings that kid simply wouldn’t understand.
Check out our favourites 👇
You'll laugh on the other side of your face
Hold your horses
My stomach thinks my throat is cut
Cry a wee bit louder, I can't hear you
Are your ears painted on?
Mum, can I use the phone?
What's for dinner? Stewed bugs and onions!
Don't look at me in that tone of voice
You could grow spuds in them ears
Would you steal my grave as quick?
Who is she? The cat's mother?
I'm getting the wooden spoon
Get off the internet, I need to use the house phone
Where you born in a field?
Born under a cabbage patch
Howl yer wheest
Who left the immersion on?
Your bake is tripping you
Make sure you rewind that before you leave it back
Never cast a clout till May's out
Skinny malink
Oh I just got a shiver…someone must have walked over my grave
Do as I say and not as I do
If the wind changes direction, your face will be stuck like that
Don't sit that close to the TV, you'll get square eyes
Bring that bottle back to the shop, you will get a penny for it
Butter wouldn't melt
The Maine man is at the door
You'll grow into it
Who stole the cream off your bun?
If it's on your plate you'll eat it
Never drink out of a wet cup
Away and play with your tail
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