Miley Cyrus slams Kim K and Bette Midler for 'tacky' Twitter spat

The singer has had her say on the situation

Published 9th Mar 2016

Miley Cyrus has had her say on the Twitter war which broke out between Kim Kardashian and Bette Midler, deeming it as ‘tacky’.

Kim broke the internet after uploading a fully naked selfie, but not everyone was impressed by the snap, including Hollywood singer Bette Midler who took to Twitter to slam the reality star by writing 'If Kim wants us to see a part of her we’ve never seen, she’s gonna have to swallow the camera.'

After the disagreement commenced, Miley Cyrus waded in on the situation seemingly slamming their actions as ‘tacky AF’ before reminding everyone it was in fact International Women’s Day (8TH March).

Miley went on to say 'Dear women, you ALL are acting tacky AF! Why don’t we overly (myself included) fortunate women come together and try to create and bring jobs to other women in desperate need of them so they can support not only THEMSELVES but their families! #happyinternationalwomensday …PS. No matter how hard you (or myself) work NEVER will I feel I am worthy of the comfort I live in… Because so many others while I tuck myself in at night are laying their head on the pavement, dreaming of all the things we take for granted every day. Much love to all my women!!!'

With a spell of uncharacteristic tweets, some fans believed it was in fact Kanye tweeting from his wife’s account, but Kim was quick to deny these claims, stating 'I swear I'm funny too!!!'

It seems Miss Cyrus just wants everybody to get along! – Good on her!