The Matrix director comes out as transgender four years after her sister

Lilly Wachowski was previously known as Andy Wachowski.

Published 9th Mar 2016

Lilly Wachowski formerly known as Andy and one of 'The Wachowskis' has come out as transgender.

In a statement issued to Chicago's Windy City Times - The Voice of Chicago's Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans and Queer community - Lilly said she wanted to come out on her own terms as the news has "almost come out a couple of times".

She went on to explain how a number of times she had received an "ominous email" from her agent asking about the 'Andy Wachowski gender transition'.

"In response to this threatened public outing against my will" Lilly says, "I had a prepared a statement that was one part piss, one part vinegar and 12 parts gasoline."

48-year-old Lilly goes on to mention an incident when a reporter from the Daily Mail newspaper showed up on her doorstep as she was getting ready to go out.

"My sister Lana and I have largely avoided the press. I find talking about my art frustratingly tedious and talking about myself a wholly mortifying experience," says Lilly said in her statement.

"Yeah, I'm trans. And yeah, I've transitioned. I just wanted - needed some time to get my head right... but apparently I don't get to decide this."

The Daily Mail has denied that they 'threatened' Lilly saying in a statement to BBC's Newsbeat, "As Ms Wachowski herself says, we were not the first media organisation to approach her and we made absolutely clear at several points in the conversation that we were only interested in reporting the story if and when she was happy for us to do so and with her cooperation.

"Our reporter was extremely sympathetic and courteous at all times, as is obvious from our transcript of the exchange.

"Indeed the conversation with our journalist ended with Ms Wachowski agreeing to call him the following day."

Lana and Andy (now Lilly) Wachowski at the premiere of Cloud Atlas in 2012 | © PA Images

Lilly's sister now known as Lana is also trans and came out publicly in 2012.

Lilly and Lana originally known as the 'Wachowski Brothers' are best known for their work on the 1999 film The Matrix and its two sequels. They also wrote V For Vendetta and wrote/directed Cloud Atlas for which they picked up multiple nominations, most recently they worked on the Netflix original Sens8.