Holly Willoughby reveals parenting ‘hacks’ in new book

The mum-of-three is the latest celebrity to offer advice

Published 15th Jun 2016

This Morning’s Holly Willoughby is the latest celebrity to share her 'words of wisdom' as she reveals some parenting 'hacks' from new book ‘Truly Happy Baby: It Worked For Me’.

In the book she gives advice on the first year of a baby’s life, from explosive nappies to the ‘floppy arm test’ which helps to tell you when to place your sleeping infant in their cot without them waking up.

Her top tips include buying two comforters, as she used to snuggle it with her baby, leaving her scent on the toy even when she wasn’t there.

To settle a fussy baby she revealed she uses white noise with her children or switches on the hairdryer so they forgot what they were crying about.

The TV host also promoted the ‘floppy arm test’ to see if a baby is in a deep enough sleep to be placed in their cot.

She suggested picking up the baby’s arm and if it flops down, the baby is in a deep sleep. However if the baby’s arm is a bit stiff she recommended waiting a bit longer.

As for the dreaded ‘explosive nappies’ the mum-of-three said mums should always be prepared with extra clothes, their own travel mat and supplies.

The 35-year-old has three children, seven-year-old Harry, five-year-old Belle and one-year-old Chester. She shares her children with TV producer Daniel Baldwin, who she married in 2007.

'Truly Happy Baby: It Worked For Me’ is released on the 16th June.