Twelve year old Alex from Ballyclare meets idol Usain Bolt

We would love you to get involved with Cash For Kids day 2017.

Published 26th May 2017

This Cash For Kids Day we want to make wishes come true for kids just like Alex, living in Northern Ireland, by helping charities like Make-A-Wish UK.

You can help by donating.

100% of the money raised will go towards helping disadvantaged children living in N.I.

Text 'FIVE' or 'TEN' to 70808 to donate ÂŁ5 or ÂŁ10 to Cash For Kids. Must get bill payers permission, see for full T&C's.

Alex's Story

Alex is a sporty child who was in his school teams for football, rugby and cricket, but on 16th March 2014 his school called home to say he was feeling unwell. Over the next 9 days, Alex had multiple trips to the GP before a CT scan showed a brain tumour, which needed immediate surgery.

Alex’s initial operation lasted for 10 hours where most of the tumour was removed, but over three and a half weeks Alex had 5 operations as surgeons tried to relieve the fluid on his brain which was causing pressure.

Surgery was followed by intensive radiotherapy – 5 weeks of daily sessions (for 5 days a week) lasting 90 minutes each time. He lost all his hair.

After enduring neuro surgery and treatment, Alex started to get pains in his stomach and unfortunately, the cancer had spread to his stomach and chemotherapy treatment started.

The family got in touch with Make-A-Wish in September 2015 and Alex knew that he wanted his wish to be something sporty; he wished to meet Usain Bolt and to race against him.

The big day came in July 2016 and Alex, his Mum Vivien, Dad John and sister Sophie flew over to London to spend a few nights in a hotel near the London Eye. They were picked up by limo and taken to a hotel where Alex met Usain. Alex had a running race down the hotel corridor, which Usain posted on his Facebook page.

Describing the day, Alex said, “The wish was better than Christmas and birthdays. It’s the best thing that has ever happened. I’d give it 100 out of 10.”

Cash For Kids Day 2017

There are hundreds of children right now in Northern Ireland diagnosed with a life-limiting illness . This Cash for Kids Day we want to help these children live their lives to the full or support them through the uncertainty, worry and isolation they may face.

With your support we can help local children with life-limiting illnesses from the point of diagnosis. With funds raised from Cash for Kids Day we aim to help children on the ward as they go through gruelling cancer treatments and also provide specialist hospice care at Northern Ireland’s only Children’s Hospice. We also want to help grant magical wishes for a number of children to build hope and emotional strength to fight their condition.

If you'd like to help and be part of Cash for Kids Day see