Problems Brits face when it's unexpectedly hot

We aren’t prepared!

Published 13th Sep 2016

We spend June to August defiantly wearing summer clothes even when it's freezing but then when it's over we shut the shorts away.

However when it's unexpectedly hot we really don't know what to do with ourselves!

1. The emergency brolly. Every forecast says clear skies and sun but we don't trust it...

2. Being wrongly dressed. We didn't check the weather report and went out in a winter coat!

3. We ran out of sun tan lotion. We desperately search the shops for supplies.

4. Incorrect footwear. We went for our best boots but should have worn sandals!

5. Craving al fresco dining. Whether it's a BBQ or just eating outside in general we desperately try to make it happen!

6. Not being able to handle the heat. We were moaning about summer being over last week and now we are unhappy it's hot.

7. Melting at work because the heating is on. Turn it down!

8. Spending hours doing your hair. Only for it to turn into a ball of frizze with the humidity.

9. Realising you don't have any ice in. All you want is something cool but you'd not bought it or prepared it.

10. Not having your sunglasses to hand. It's too bright!