Former cabbie could break Guinness World Record for living with the most number of dogs

He lives with 150 formerly stray dogs.

Published 15th Apr 2016

Dog lover Karl Scarr, a former cabbie from Cambridgeshire moved to Morocco a few years ago and was appalled at the number of stray dogs.

Not wanting to turn away any strays he has taken in 150 dogs, which he believes could be a Guinness World Record. He currently shares a 'kennel' with the dogs and doesn't think anyone else has done so with so many dogs.

In 2012 the 52-year-old set up a sanctuary in Tangier called Le Sanctuaire de la Faune de Tanger (SFT) to help the countless stray and maltreated animals.

Morocco has a poor history of animal welfare and according to Karl "cruelty and abuse were considered normal".

Since setting up the sanctuary Karl and his team has helped thousands of animals nursing them back to health and rehoming those that they can.

Karl is hoping to gain more support and donations for his sanctuary, more information can be found on the sanctuary's official website ยป

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Victoria Quinn

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