Can you find the mistake in this puzzle?

It's obvious once you get it!

Published 21st Sep 2016

We love a good brainteaser. They're challenging, they give your brain a workout and they are crazily satisfying once you figure them out!

So we've got a new one for you all. This brainteaser shows a row of numbers from one to nine, listed out in different colours. The aim of the puzzle is to find the mistake.

*©​ Tayra Lucero for Little Things*

Got it yet? Let's guess... you're staring at the numbers, trying to spot a mistake from the first digit to the last.

Is there a missing number? Is one colour the odd one out?

Don't worry, we were still stumped at this stage.

Here's a clue...

Look a bit more closely at the words, rather than the numbers.

Still don't see it?

Go on then, here's the reveal!





*©​ Tayra Lucero for Little Things*

How obvious does that seem now?!