What to do if you call 999 but can't talk

Many people don't know this exists.

Published 13th Jan 2017

Hopefully this will never happen to you, but in the unfortunate event that you might have to call 999, do you know what to do if you can't talk?

When you call 999 you're asked which service you require, but what if it's too dangerous to talk, how will they know it's a real emergency?

Silent Solutions is a procedure that many people don't know about. When a silent emergency call is detected it is referred to Silent Solutions which is meant to determine whether or not it is a genuine call.

If you find yourself in a situation when you can't speak and your call is directed to Silent Solutions then dial 55 this will alert the system that someone is there and needs assistance. Your call will then be forwarded to the police.

According to the Independent emergency services have previously said that silent emergency calls would not automatically be investigated and pressing 55 is the correct procedure.

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Jason Hughes

Downtown Country