Youths 'throwing stones and damaging cars' in east Belfast

Police are dealing with reports of young people throwing stones and damaging cars in east Belfast.

Published 7th Aug 2017
Last updated 7th Aug 2017

A number of cars have apparently already been damaged in the Stewart Street area.

Officers in riot gear have been tasked to the scene.

Youths with their faces covered have reportedly thrown bricks along with fireworks at police on the street.

Several cars have also been burnt out, while paint has been thrown over others.

The vandalism appears to have started after bonfire materials were removed from a site in the area on Monday morning, but it is unclear whether the two are linked.

Bonfires will be lit in some nationalist/republican areas later this week to mark the anniversary of the introduction of the controversial state policy of internment without trial.

PSNI Superintendent Andrea McMullan said: “Police are dealing with some localised disorder in the Friendly Street area of the Markets, which has been caused by a small group of youths.

“We are working with local representatives and members of the community to address the situation.

“There has been some stone –throwing, damage to parked cars and a number of petrol bombs have also been thrown.

“Local residents of the Markets do not want this kind of activity on their doorsteps and we would urge those engaged in violence and criminal damage to stop – and go home."