Ballycastle left reeling after death of young mother

The woman in her 20s was found in her home on Tuesday evening.

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Published 3rd Oct 2017
Last updated 4th Oct 2017

The death of a pregnant woman in Co Antrim is not being treated as suspicious.

Police said the mother-to-be's death was a tragic accident''.

The incident happened after a fire broke out in the kitchen of a house in Whitepark Road in Ballycastle on Tuesday.

It is understood the woman, in her 20s, did not die from injuries related to the blaze but in an accident while leaving the property.

Causeway Coast Mayor Joan Baird said her sympathies were with the family.

"It's a terrible tragedy, a young woman has lost her life," she said.

"My heartfelt sympathy goes to the family, these things just happen in the flash of an eye, and it's left everybody bereft.

"The whole community will be backing the family and supporting the family in the days ahead."

Local councillor Cara McShane said the community had been left devastated.

The entire town has been left reeling from the news,'' said the Sinn Fein representative.

The victim of tonight's tragedy is a young mother, who was also expecting her second child, and her family are well-known in the local area in what is a tight-knit community.

I have extended my condolences to the family of the victim and I know that people in the local community will rally round to support her husband, child and wider family circle in the difficult days ahead.''

Fellow councillor Margaret Anne McKillop said the community had been left stunned.

There's just a sense of utter shock and horror in the community here" said the SDLP representative.

My thoughts and prayers are with the young woman's family and friends at this devastating time.

I can't imagine what they're going through. It's just the worst news you could receive.

I know the community here will rally round them at this incredibly difficult time.''