'What's your Plan B should tests be scrapped?' parents demand answers from NI education decision-makers

Author: Nigel GouldPublished 5th Jan 2021
Last updated 5th Jan 2021

Parents are urging Northern Ireland’s political decision-makers to have a re-think over lockdown plans

They say it is vital to have their voice heard over potential school closures and, significantly, the possibility of exams being cancelled.

Their calls come as the Executive meets again today to discuss schools' immediate future in detail.

Deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill has already said "transfer tests should not proceed".

Julie Steele from Carrickfergus who has a daughter in P7, told Downtown Radio & Cool FM that she was deeply concerned for her child's future

And she is adamant that the transfer tests, scheduled for this weekend, must go ahead

“I have sat and read the social media calls all over the weekend to cancel AQE (the transfer test) but what I haven’t read from any one person as to what should happen in its place,” she said.

“My child has been working her best for the most part of the year to get prepared to sit the AQE transfer test … what do I tell here is going to happen in its place?

The anxious parent also flagged up the potential adverse impact on children as a result of cancellation.

“They’ve got so close to their big day to have it snatched away from them as if they’re not good enough or ready to sit it,” she said

And she's asking our decision-makers to tell them what their Plan B is.

“How do people imagine children will get streamed in Year 8 next year?" Julie asked.

"They’re already streamed in Primary 3 for reading groups, they’re tested at various stages of their academic career – why is this one such a big deal?”