US ELECTIONS: Race to White House closer than predicted after number of key states called

US elections
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 4th Nov 2020
Last updated 4th Nov 2020

The race to become the next US President is turning out to be even closer than many predicted.

But in the last hour Donald Trump has made big progress - he has pretty much the big swing state of Florida in the bag - to a add to success called earlier in the night in Ohio.

He is also ahead in another key state of Pennsylvania and on course for Texas.

Joe Biden is edging in front in Arizona - which no candidate from his party has won since 1996.

He has been speaking in the last few minutes and says he feels he's on track to win.

Mr Trump has just tweeted - saying he's doing well and claiming his opponents are "trying to steal the election".

Each state has a number of Electoral College votes - and whoever wins this race has to get over 270 of them.

Depending on exactly how close the results are - it might be some time before an outright winner is known.

An exit poll found that voters ranked the economy as their main concern during the campaign - ahead of the coronavirus pandemic