Top ranking PSNI officers under 'misconduct investigation'

The PSNI's Chief Comstable George Hamilton, Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris and Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton are among a number of officers being investigated by the Police Ombudsman.

Published 19th Oct 2017

It comes after complaints were made against them by former senior colleagues.

The Police Ombudsman NI (PONI) has said the investigation will be treated as a 'critical incident.'

It has not named the police officers under investigation, but has confirmed that they include a range of officers, including those above the rank of Chief Superintendent.

A team has been set up to look into these matters. It includes six investigators and has access to external legal advice

The Office has not recommended the suspension of any of the police officers concerned.'Meanwhile the Police Ombudsman

The former officers have made allegations of misconduct against the high ranking current officers on how an investigation into two complainants was carried out in 2014.

That centred on how contracts were awarded for supplying vehicles to the police force, with retired Assistant Chief Constable Duncan McCausland and former officer Mark Gilmore among the nine people interviewed back then.

The allegations at that time were of bribery and and misconduct in public office, although no charges were ever brought and all the men questioned denied any wrongdoing.

A number of other lower ranked officers are also under scrutiny.

Mr Hamilton, Mr Harris and Mark Hamilton have come out to said they completely refute the claims made against them and that the investigations were carried out with professionalism and integrity.


They have made that clear in their response to the Ombudsman, while acknowledging the need for that probe to be carried out.

A statement from the PSNI read: "PSNI acknowledges and supports the need for the Office of the Police Ombudsman to investigate these allegations and all officers are co-operating fully with the investigation.

"The Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable and other officers completely refute the allegations made against them and are strongly of the view that these complex investigations into the complainants were conducted with professionalism and integrity.

"This position has been fully outlined in the Officers initial response to OPONI.

"Whilst ordinarily, the Police Service would limit its responses on matters where it is under investigation, this case has particular and unusual aspects to it.

"This case has been the subject of recent speculative press and media coverage which has the potential to negatively impact on public confidence in policing.

"We have full confidence in the OPONI to complete a thorough investigation and we trust that they are left to do so without ongoing public commentary."

Meanwhile the Police Ombudsman confirmed the probe and said that due to any potential implications for the police and wider community, it was being treated very seriously.

"The Police Ombudsman's Office has begun an investigation into concerns about the way in which the PSNI conducted an investigation into allegations of bribery and misconduct in public office in 2014,'' said a spokesman.

"The Office is investigating allegations of criminality and misconduct in how this investigation was undertaken by police.

"It has not named the police officers under investigation, but has confirmed that they include a range of officers, including those above the rank of Chief Superintendent.

"The Police Ombudsman has declared the matter to be a 'critical incident' - an issue the outcome of which could have a significant impact on the person making the complaint, on the police or on the wider community.

"A team has been set up to look into these matters. It includes six investigators and has access to external legal advice

"Given that some of the officers are above the level of Chief Superintendent, the Policing Board (the PSNI's independent oversight body) has been notified.

"The Office has not recommended the suspension of any of the police officers concerned."