Teenagers rescued from Bangor rocks

Published 5th Apr 2017
Last updated 5th Apr 2017

Two teenagers have been rescued after spending several hours trapped on rocks off the North Down Coast.

The Coastguard helicopter and RNLI lifeboat were sent to Ballymacormick Point in Bangor shortly before 9.30pm on Tuesday night.

The Coastguard Rescue Team brought their vehicle onto the beach. A coastguard waded into the water, extracted the two girls from the rocks and brought them to shore and passed them into the care of the ambulance service. Although they were very cold, they were uninjured.

Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue and Police were also on the scene.

Sarah Annett for the UK Coastguard said:

“Always check the weather and tidal conditions before you set out. At sea changes in tidal streams could make conditions worse, particularly if the wind and tide are against each other. Tidal heights may hide underwater hazards.

"Consider whether you could become cut off by the incoming tide, above all do not take risks. Do not attempt to climb cliffs as a short cut back to the top."