Teen girl found dead outside Belfast hospital named

Police have named the 17-year-old girl found dead outside Belfast City Hospital on Sunday morning as Tara Wright.

Tara Wright
Author: Damien EdgarPublished 25th Mar 2019

Officers have also appealed to members of the public for information surrounding her death.

Four men have been arrested over the teen's death.

CCTV footage has shown Tara was in a grey MG car when Northern Ireland Ambulance staff found her at Belfast City Hospital.

Inspector Nigel Henry said: “Firstly, I would like to extend my sympathies to the family of Tara at this very sad time.

"Our investigation is at an early stage, however, we do believe that Tara was injured during the one vehicle road traffic collision on the Ballygowan Road.

“We are appealing to anyone who witnessed either the silver Mercedes or grey MG to contact us to assist us with our enquiries.

"We also believe that a grey coloured MG vehicle conveyed Tara to the area of Belfast City Hospital therefore we are also appealing to anyone who witnessed this vehicle between the Ballygowan Road and the Hospital to contact police.

“Investigating officers arrested four males aged 20, 21, 28 and 30 yesterday.

"They have since been released on bail and are assisting us with establishing the circumstances leading to Tara’s death.

"If you have information about the collision, which you believe could assist our investigation, please pick up the phone and call us on the non-emergency number 101, quoting reference number 227 of 24/03/19.

“I would also urge anyone who may have dash-cam footage of either vehicle taken in the early hours of Sunday morning to contact us."