STORMONT STALEMATE: Policing left behind UK without legislation

As part of our Stormont focus, we look at the effect the lack of an Executive has had on policing.

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Author: Damien EdgarPublished 24th Jan 2019

Two years on from the collapse of devolved government, a senior PSNI officer has said police have been left behind the rest of the UK when it comes to the tools at their disposal.

Chief among those measures are the Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO) and the Coercion and Control Order (CCO).

Both of those legislative frameworks are already in place in other parts of the UK, but with no Justice Minister, they have been left sitting on the shelf here.

The UWO is aimed at flipping a previous model, which saw police having to prove that someone's income or wealth was illegitimate before being able to make a move.


Under the new law, the person would have to prove that any material wealth that seems to be beyond any legitimate explanation, has been obtained legally.

With regards to the CCO, it would help to bring together a number of laws in order to recognise the long term impact and nature of domestic abuse.

Currently, the law here relies on several crimes being banded together to form a case.

"I think the UWO would be a very useful tool in tackling organised crime," said Deputy Chief Constable Stephen Martin.

"That would include assisting us with tackling paramilitary crime.

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"There's lots of people doing their best and working hard, but without a government or Justice Minister, the system is not as effective as it should be."

The looming presence of Brexit is also causing concern for the PSNI, as measures have not yet been agreed to ensure key powers will continue after the March 29 deadline.

Those are centred around the cross-jurisdiction work between An Garda Siochána and local police.

"Obviously we sit with the EU exit a matter of weeks away," said DCC Martin.

"One of our concerns is will we have the legislative underpinning to allow us to continue that co-operation?

"Whatever they're called, I don't care if it's called the European Arrest Warrant, but we need to have the same criminal justice provisions available to us now.

"Otherwise, it will impede some of our abilities."