Schools return but new rules apply

schools back
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 2nd Nov 2020


Schools are back today after an extended half-term break, and the Education Minister is appealing to parents and carers to play their role in keeping educational settings a safe place.

It comes after Thursday’s revelation that all post-primary children will be required to wear face coverings on school buses and public transport.

First Minister Arlene Foster then said additional information would be published on how adults can stay safe, as the main contributing factor to the R-Number, is congregating at the school gate.

That guidance has now been published by the Department for Education– so here is a summary of it:

  • Do not congregate at the school gate when dropping off children.
  • Always practice social distancing.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Avoid going beyond the school gate, unless you have an appointment.
  • If in doubt, ring the school in advance.
  • Ensure your child has enough clean face-masks to wear, and a bag to store them in.
  • Teach your child good hand hygiene.
  • Discourage your child from sharing food with friends.

In the statement outlining that advice, Minister Peter Weir said parents are at the heart of keeping the virus at bay.

“The transmission of COVID-19 within schools remains low and by taking some simple steps we can all make sure that continues. I know that the overwhelming desire of parents and carers is to maintain a full return to school and I thank them for all the sacrifices they are making in very difficult circumstances.

“Parents/carers are at the heart of fighting the virus, and minimising any disruption to education, so your role in responsible action both at the school gates, and in ensuring that the whole family including children, abide by all the necessary health restrictions are the difference between success and failure. With your help we can all protect the future education and wellbeing of our children.".

The Minister continued: “I know from speaking to parents, carers and teachers that they want their children to be in school. Face to face teaching is the best form of educational provision.

“These are difficult times for us all. As parents and carers you are naturally worried about the impact on your child’s well-being by not being in school. Children and young people have missed so much this year already, not just in terms of learning but in socialising with their friends, taking part in sports and other activities.

“We are all in this together and we all must help and support each other through the challenging times which lie ahead. I want to thank all of you - parents, carers, young people, teachers and school staff for all your efforts.”