ROBIN SWANN: 'We're working on a solution to fix the health service'

health service in crisis
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 21st May 2021

Robin Swann has vowed to sort out Northern Ireland’s crisis-hit health service.

Ravaged by the ongoing covid pandemic and suffering historically from under-investment, the service is long overdue an overhaul.

Speaking to Downtown Radio & Cool FM, the Health Minister said while it will take a huge collective effort, he is confident of a turnaround.

“The job across our health service in its entirety is not easy because of where we found ourselves starting,” he said.

“But I am assured there is a focus of purpose and that is a focus of purpose to serve the people of Northern Ireland.”

However, the problem facing Mr Swann is that hospital waiting lists that are already the worst in the UK are continuing to spiral.

And in some cases patients are facing waits of up to two years for potentially life-saving procedures such as scans

The Minister says they are working on a solution

“One of the things we have been doing over the last number of months is looking at this as a regional approach and taking those people for operations in a degree of need no matter where they live, what trust area they’re in or what postcode they’re in

“That’s a big challenge.”

But Mr Swann warned it was not just about throwing money at the problem.

“The answer isn’t actually just money,” he said

“And that’s part of the problem we have inherited

“The largest problem is the lack of investment over the last number of years.”