PSNI probing 'KKK' incident in Ards

Police say they are aware of pictures on social media

KKK in Newtownards
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 29th Oct 2018

Reports that a group of people dressed as Ku Klux Klan members posed outside an Islamic prayer house in County Down are being investigated as a hate incident, police said.

Images circulating on social media purport to show individuals dressed as members of the far-right group in Newtownards over the weekend.

The KKK was a group based in the southern United States which was responsible for lynchings and mob attacks on the black community.

PSNI inspector Richard Murray said: “Hate crime, in all its forms, is totally unacceptable.

“It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to ensure that we live in a society where diversity is respected.''

The inspector added: “We received a report around 5pm yesterday, Sunday 28 October, about a group of people dressed as KKK members in the vicinity of Greenwell Street in the town on Saturday night.

“We are also aware of images that are circulating that show people dressed as Ku Klux Klan members.

“Our inquiries are ongoing, and we are treating this as a hate incident at this time.''

Alliance Party Stormont Assembly member Kellie Armstrong said the group drank in a local bar with their masks off and CCTV evidence could be available.

She added: “Everyone knows exactly what the KKK stands for.

“The KKK represents a brand of hatred not wanted or welcome in the area.

“This group did not simply dress up for Halloween, rather they deliberately posed outside the prayer house in Newtownards.

“This is a clear demonstration of aggression and bullying towards one particular religion and that is a hate crime.''

Last year a pig's head was placed outside the same centre in Newtownards.