NSPCC reveals rise in child sex offences

The number of child sex offences recorded by the PSNI last year in Northern Ireland rose to 1,875.

Domestic Abuse
Author: Damien EdgarPublished 20th Feb 2018

The NSPCC revealed today that on average, more than five sexual offences against children were recorded every day, with the figures showing that 40 of the alleged victims were aged just two years old or younger.

Across the UK the number of offences rose to a record 64,667 in 2016/17, a 15 per cent increase on the previous year. In Northern Ireland the total number of offences rose from 1,809 to 1,875.

The PSNI figures obtained by the NSPCC found that officers recorded crimes including rape, sexual assault and grooming against children. And in 2016/17, 178 child sex offences were flagged as having an online element - up from 139 the previous year.

The charity also says the total number of sex offences committed against children is unknown, as more children may not have come forward out of fear or embarrassment, or may not even realise they have been abused.

The increase in offences recorded are being put down to a number of factors including police forces improving recording methods, survivors feeling more confident in disclosing abuse following high-profile cases, and online groomers becoming a significant problem with predators able to reach hundreds of children.

The NSPCC in Northern Ireland is calling for more support to be made available to frontline police officers to help raise awareness of safeguarding procedures and tackle child sex offences, especially online.

Colin Reid, Policy and Public Affairs Manager said: “This rise is extremely concerning and shows the challenges we face in tackling child abuse.

“These abhorrent crimes can shatter a child’s life, leaving them to feel humiliated, depressed, or even suicidal. That is why it is crucial every single child who has endured abuse and needs support must get timely, thorough help so they can learn to rebuild their lives.

“These new figures suggest the police are making real progress in how they investigate sex offences against children. To help them tackle the issue we must ensure the police are equipped to work with other agencies and provide ongoing support and training to officers on the frontline.”

Meanwhile across the UK the number of alleged child sexual crimes reported to police has reached a record high.

Police forces recorded a total of 64,667 sexual offences allegedly perpetrated against victims aged under 18 in 2016/17.

This was a rise of 15% compared with the previous year, and equates to an average of 177 a day.

In nearly 14,000 cases the alleged victim was aged 10 or under, with 2,788 allegedly perpetrated against children aged four or under.

Researchers found one in 10 offences recorded was flagged as having an online element - up by more than half year-on-year.

The charity compiled the data after submitting freedom of information requests to forces in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.