Stormont: economy and finance on agenda for plenary session

Minister Conor Murphy will set out his vision for the future

Author: Nigel GouldPublished 19th Feb 2024

MLAs were expected to take part in a full plenary session today (Monday) of the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Topics up for discussion include the economy and finance.

Economy Minister Conor Murphy was due to make a statement setting out his vision for the future.

Meanwhile Finance Minister Caoimhe Archibald will be introducing the Budget Bill.

Stormont Opposition is set to table an amendment to the bill.

Opposition leader Matthew O'Toole said it wants to improve accountability and transparency in devolved government.

Matthew O'Toole

The SDLP is set to propose that the independent Northern Ireland Fiscal Council be placed on a statutory footing and given power to report not just on public finances but on the Executive's performance in improving public services.

Mr O'Toole claimed the Department of Finance will attempt to "cram through" the Budget Bill in two days.

"As a constructive opposition we have consistently pledged to improve accountability for the public, and that's exactly what this amendment does," he said.

"Not only would the independent Fiscal Council have its status placed in law, they would be mandated to report to the public on the performance of the Executive in delivering on key public service targets, including reducing waiting lists.

"The public needs to know what the plan is, and they need an independent watchdog to explain whether the plan is being delivered.

"This amendment comes as the Department of Finance attempt to cram through the first devolved Budget Bill in years in just two days - further underlining the need for an overhaul of accountability."