NI’s political leaders congratulate US President-elect Joe Biden

Well wishes have been sent from the First and Deputy First Minister

Joe Biden
Author: Chloe StjohnPublished 8th Nov 2020

Northern Ireland's political leaders are among those sending congratulations to US President-elect Joe Biden.

Arlene Foster and Michelle O'Neill say they hope the Democrat will help make links between Northern Ireland and America even stronger.

In a statement the First Minister said, “This has been a hard fought election which we have watched with interest from this side of the Atlantic.”

“We deeply value our friendship and longstanding connections with the US and have greatly benefitted from US interest in Northern Ireland and its people. Our economic, tourism and cultural links have created opportunity and investment over many decades.”

“We very much look forward to developing that relationship under the new administration and hope we get the opportunity to meet with the incoming President in the not-too-distant future.”

Meanwhile Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill said, “Joe Biden has strong connections with this island, and we greatly welcome his concern for the interests of our people and the protection of our peace process and the Good Friday Agreement.”

“He will take on the presidency of the United States at one of the most critical periods we have faced, as the Brexit transition period ends and we work to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. We believe our links with the US will be hugely significant as we set about rebuilding our economy and rejuvenating our society.”

“We look forward to working with Joe Biden and his administration, and send him our very best wishes as he prepares to undertake this historic role.”

Others to send well wishes include SDLP leader Colum Eastwood who says he's written to Mr. Biden, inviting him to visit the North West.

The Ulster Unionist leader has also sent his congratulations, while drawing comparisons between Northern Ireland and America.

Steve Aiken said, “the polarisation of politics, which we here in Northern Ireland are regrettably all too familiar with, has infected the body politic in the United States. Solving that will be the new President’s biggest challenge.”